Please see below for pricing and payment instructions:
Note: Dr. Morse's Herbal Formulas have gone up a few dollars in price since your last order.
6 Tincture Formulas @ $32.99 Each = $197.94
1 Capsule Formulas @ $34.99 Each = $34.99
1 Stomach Tea (7oz Loose Blend) @ $31.99
1 GI Broom (360 Capsules) @ $56.99
SHIPPING: (ETA - Approx. 6 - 10 days to Customs, once shipped) - $72.11
Subtotal: $394.02
+ Shopify 3.9% International Fee
FINAL TOTAL: $409.99
81 Musgrave Rd
Shirecliffe S5 8WR, UK