Healing Services – Rasayana Living

Collection: Healing Services

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You have more power than you were ever led to believe...

Hello! My name is Eric Sanchez. I am a Naturopath dedicated to root-cause-based healing practices which are personalized to each individual I work with. Welcome to my healing programs and services.

Being in chronic pain or discomfort can make you feel like you're lost in a never-ending maze of misery (both physically and emotionally). However, you can heal. In fact, your body already wants to heal… The beauty of healing holistically (as opposed to only treating your symptoms with pharmaceuticals) is that when you work with your body and address the root-cause, physical freedom is inevitable.

Each service or program I offer is always tailored to the individual I am working with. As a Naturopath who is focused on root-cause-based healing, I do not work under the “one-size-fits-all” mentality. This is because all humans have their own unique health, history, and goals (regardless of the diagnoses they may have been given). Treating all my clients as individuals and personalizing/ customizing their protocols is one of the biggest keys to their success.

For years now I have been fortunate enough to help thousands of people live pain-free, happy, abundant lives. I have helped clients from all various walks of life heal, reverse, and/or come off of medications for a plethora of dis-eases such as: Arthritis, Alopecia, Kidney Failure, Diabetes, Low & High Blood Pressure, Obesity, Ulcerative Colitis, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Diverticulitis, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Viral Loads (HSV, HIV, HPV), Lyme Disease, Chronic Migraines, Acne, Psoriasis, Depression, Mood Disorders, General  Autoimmune Diagnoses, Undiagnosed Chronic Symptoms, and more.

Who is the perfect candidate for a personalized regenerative healing program? Can you identify with any of the following? 

  • You're tired of only "treating" your illness with chemical medications which currently cause or may eventually cause side effects.
  • You eat what you believe is a clean diet rich in nutrition but still aren't healing or seeing the results you feel you should.
  • You have lost faith in the western medical system and/ or have gone to multiple doctors and "specialists" with no long-term success.
  • You feel like you're at your "last hope" when it comes to your health.
  • You're ready to give your all and put your faith in the guidance of someone who will finally lead you to physical freedom.
  • You want to know what the path to true healing looks like.
  • You have a deep desire to heal yourself on a cellular level.

If you thought "yes, that's me" to any of the statements above, this process is absolutely for you.

My personalized healing services are designed to help you heal on an intracellular level and lead you to experience physical freedom.

Click on each of the services below and read their descriptions so that you can have an in-depth understanding of everything they entail. Choose the program most suitable for you.

Payment Plans: If you're interested in a coaching program or service below but cannot pay in full at this time, payment plans are now available! Simply check out using the "Buy with ShopPay" button and you will be able to choose an installment payment period that works for you.

I look forward to guiding you on your healing journey and leading you down a path of cellular regeneration!

  • 1-On-1 Session; Consultation
    Rasāyana Living
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    Coming Soon
    Rasāyana Living
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    from $597.00
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    from $597.00
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  • Iridology Analysis Report
    Rasāyana Living
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  • Rasāyana Healing Program (PERSONALIZED COACHING PROGRAM)
    Rasāyana Living
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    from $997.00
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    from $997.00
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  • Transform Your Life: LIVE Course - 12 Week COACHING PROGRAM
    Rasāyana Living
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