Invigorate your health.
Just by being alive you have the right to feel healthy and liberated in your body. The idea that you need to depend on an establishment which indefinitely profits when you're sick for "health" support is a lie which I'm here to help deprogram. You can take back your power, regardless of what form of disease (or dis-ease) you're dealing with. Target the root cause of your ailments and watch your body do what it's already designed to- regenerate and thrive.
True healing is right around the corner...
For years now I've had the blessing of leading thousands of people away from suffering and towards health. Rasāyana Living™ was created to keep that vision going. If you are in pain, depressed, dealing with a chronic or so-called "incurable" disease, I have been there. If I can go from the amount of pain & suffering I was in to feeling ALIVE and truly HEALTHY today, you can do the same.
I have studied the human body, Regenerative Detoxification, Naturopathy, Iridology, Herbalism, and emotional health throughout the world. I am here to help you get to the root cause of your pain so that you can once-and-for-all have a customized program that'll allow you to actually heal.
Not just temporarily feel better, but truly heal.

Why the name “Rasāyana?”
Rasāyana is a Sanskrit word referring to techniques for lengthening lifespans and invigorating the body. The literal definition is “path of essence.” I chose this word because it encompasses everything I have dedicated my life to doing with this company. Rasāyana Living™'s mission is to free as many people as possible from“dis-ease” by naturally invigorating the body, inevitably leading to true healing.
Become alive again... ❤️
Healing is not about "attacking" or "treating" your diagnosis. It is about understanding exactly why your body (or what I like to call your terrain) was hospitable to dis-ease to begin with. When your body is given the right environment, true health and physical freedom are inevitable. You can absolutley be free. I found freedom. I found the truth. I can show you how to do it, too.
-Eric E. Sanchez D.S., Iridologist, Herbalist

Blog posts
Hypothyroidism: What Is It, And Can It Be Healed Holistically?
You Don't Need To Claim Your Medical Diagnosis Label - Be Free
What Is Iridology & What Can You Expect From Your Iridology Report?
New Mothers: How To Naturally Increase Breast Milk Production
My Feature in Natural Awakenings Magazine (Hudson County, NJ - December 2020)
5 Benefits of Gotu Kola
Physical freedom is your birthright.